An amazing deck of life-affirming cards…

Experience the power of simple wisdom through this curated ensemble of 54 cards, each with a different message / reminder.

Since 2010, I’ve been gifting them away to strangers and friends as a creative way to inspire meaningful contemplation.

Meaningful conversations = deeper connections

Tired of the same-old small talk?
Vying for deeper connections with those you like and love?
54 cards, each with a unique message / reminder.
Simple and empowering.


”One of the best collections of messages you can find.”

  • Draw them daily to inspire your life…

  • Gift them away to uplift others…

  • Use them for team-building and ice-breakers…

  • Pull out at dinner parties to inspire conversations…

  • Leave hidden in plain sight at the homes of those you love…

    Get your deck today!


Satisfaction Guaranteed!

I'm so confident you’ll love these cards that if you’re not completely satisfied just let me know and I’ll reimburse you 100%.

You can also keep the pouch of cards.
That’s right… a risk-free way to be inspired and uplifted.

So order yours today. : )


 Inspiration and empowerment awaits you.
Order your deck today!

See (and experience) for yourself the creative power of this unique and amazing little deck of life-affirming cards.

Pretty awesome as a unique gift, too.
(Just sayin’…)

The power of the physical to uplift Mind, Body, and Soul.

New Human Story Cards
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New Human Story Cards