The theme at the festival for this second installation was ‘Evolution’. As such, invitation of the art piece was to “share a future memory... written in the past tense as if it already happened.”
Participants came upon a octagonal structure (representing the present moment) with two large mosaic flags flying from the top (representing the past and the future). Surrounding the structure were 13 metal trees. 12 of of the trees were raw aluminum and, collectively, had 2,012 available spaces at the tips of their branches for leaves (representing the transformational year of 2012). One of the trees was black, representing the ‘black sheep’ icon, although in this case in the form of sovereign-individuality. This tree didn’t have any space for leaves, however at the very top was a single, blank leaf embodying the perspective that every new moment presents a new blank canvas to think (remember, imagine, intend) upon. Amidst the trees were 3 plaster casts, representing connection to self, connection to other, and connection to spirit.
Inside of the structure were oriental carpets and pillows to sit upon. The walls were covered with mosaic panels of images of the past that people submitted that brought / bring them joy. Playing 24/7 through speakers were recordings of people sharing memories along with tracks of nature sounds to contemplate amidst. In the center of the space was a pentagon-shaped table with a container for pens and blank leaves upon which to write their responses to the question upon.
Over the course of the week the festival was open the trees continuously ‘bloomed’ with participation. It was beautiful and sacred with people inside and outside non-stop, 24/7.
The installation was like a multi-dimensional ‘tuning fork’. Where each new participation by someone added to / increased the vibrational offering. Higher and higher it resounded. Each leaf embodying the high-frequencies of each person that paused and participated and imagined and remembered and felt life-affirming and shared (embodied) it in a leaf to grow (evolve, become part of) the experience for others!
In addition to this contemplation of frequency, the installation was also a contemplation of imagination. It is a powerful thing to be able to imagine something that doesn’t exist. Imagination is the heart of creativity. How do you / we wield it? Do we imagine scenarios that make us feel joy, or do we imagine scenarios that cause us to suffer? Life-affirming or life-diminishing?
You’re invited to take a moment here to pause and imagine a reality that brings you joy. And then leap ‘over’ it in time and think about it for a few moments in the past tense as if it already happened. Offer these frequencies into the (your, our) world.
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