The theme of this year’s festival was “Metropolis” and the question the art installation asked was: What's a new belief you have / want to have? Flight invited participants to contemplate and empower their beliefs. What feel good to our hearts? What support us being who we came here to be?
The installation was created from the perspective that our core beliefs provide the perspectives that give rise to our sense of identity, what we think is happening, and how we choose to react or respond. Where what we believe sets the stage for everything we do based on the fact that who we are in the doing extends from these starting points.
This installation also took the application of sacred geometry to another level, applying it to an array of details comprising the piece. Which you can see via the last image in the gallery.
• Birdhouse (5' x 8' walls, i.e. golden rectangles)
• Birdcage (golden rectangle proportions between the bars)
• 3 plaster casts: Child, Adult, Elder
• Oriental carpets, Moroccan lantern, comfy pillows inside the birdhouse
• Feather-shaped pieces of paper to write answers upon
• Flags for the 4-Directions
• Small trampoline to give flight!
• 24 / 7 audio track of beautiful bird calls in Nature