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Feel empowered as a woman by the Masculine.
Surrender. Receive. Rewire. Transform.


Allow me to create and steward the conditions of safety for the Feminine in you to feel empowered and thrive. This is the foundation for a 5 session, 1:1 journey together to attune, rewire, heal, transform, and empower your dynamic with the Masculine.

As a Masculine Ally, I guide you through transformational contemplations and experiences of shared presence, intentional connection, and intimacy of consciousness so you can cultivate and reside in new dimensions of presence, harmony, collaboration, and love.


This might be for you if can relate to any of the following:

  • Feeling triggered and/or unsafe around men.

  • Having experienced unhealthy relationships with men.

  • Feeling out of harmony / balance within yourself.

  • Feeling limited by old beliefs and fears.

  • Feeling like you’re in a transition period.

  • Wanting to feel more empowered as your own authority.

  • Seeking greater peace, presence, and love in your life.


    This might be for you if you’re drawn to:

    • Feel more grounded and empowered as who you came here to be.

    • Be your own authority.

    • Have healthier relationships & experiences with men.

    • Harmonize & empower the Masculine within you.

    • Explore and transform old beliefs.

    • Feel whole, enough, and worthy.

    • Feel greater peace, presence, and love in your life.

Why this? Why now?

Our minds and bodies hold the energies of past traumatic experiences along with the limiting, life-diminishing beliefs that gave rise to and unfold from them. Often, this goes back through our our ancestral line. How can we most powerfully respond in the now? New neural pathways and embodied frequencies get created by having new, safe, intentional, life-affirming experiences that transform what’s been into what can be. These can literally change our (conscious and subconscious) minds and empower our bodies, one interaction at a time.

In this way, life-diminishing experiences from the past specific to the toxic Masculine can be transformed and re-contextualized through healthy experiences with the Masculine in the now.

Inner and outer harmony…

These experiences allow for realigning to take place in a considered, intentional way, where your specific needs are the sole focus. This allows for healing and transformation to take place as a way to healthier and more harmonious relationships with the masculine in your life. Where the transformations within become reflected without.

Being ‘in’ relation to the Masculine through this experience allows you to template it as a way to empower your dynamics ‘with’ the Masculine in every area of your life.


Can you trust? Will you allow?
Are you ready to return your experience to you of who you truly are?


I come in peace… as a man… in sovereign choice… as a way for you to feel seen, met, and safe as conditions in which to transform. As allies, we co-create a sacred, ever-unfolding remembrance of a harmonized Masculine and Feminine. In the process you’re invited to let any guards down in order to receive, surrender, unravel old tensions, realign past traumas, expand possibilities, transmute old beliefs, and evoke new frequencies of change, empowerment, freedom, and love.


Resurrect your knowing of the goodness in men.
Feel the support and empowerment of the Masculine.


Whether as single sessions to receive and attune, or with the 12-week journey in support of deeper layers of transformation, in the intentional, dynamic mirror of my witnessing and stewardship, you’re invited to slow down, soften, and surrender in feeling safe, seen, worthy, and empowered.

Interested in learning more?

Find a time for FREE 15-minute video call with me to drop in heart-to-heart and feel into how this might be of service to you.


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I’ve been a visual artist for nearly 30 years, paying tribute and attention to the details along the way.

I’ve also been deeply committed to meaningful contemplation as a creative act in exploring and transforming the stories that shape, define, uplift, and empower us as a way to create greater presence, peace, freedom, grace, and love.

I bring an ever-evolving curiosity, humility, kindness, intention, attention, intuition, and love to what I do and offer as a way to serve the empowerment of others.

It feels an honor and joy to co-create with others on such sacred journeys of being who we came here to be.

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Elements of the Journey


On-line or in-person
4 weeks / 4 sessions
90-minute sessions


  • A SAFE & SACRED CONTAINER. Through intention and commitment is a safe and nurturing context in which to venture behind the curtains and below the surfaces together in the contemplation and transformation of the stories and experiences that define and shape us. (The setting for in-person sessions is my personal, private, creative, comfortable space in Tiburon with a lovely view and easy parking.)

  • SHARED EMPTY PRESENCE. Let your essence attune amidst the natural harmony of the Feminine / Masculine. Nothing to do. Nothing to prove. Nothing to defend against or explain or convince or justify. Just moments of shared presence with a masculine ally.

  • WORKBOOK Q&A. The session begins before you even arrive with a series of meaningful questions to contemplate in-writing to help set the stage and begin the process.

  • RELAXED NERVOUS SYSTEM. As your ally, I mirror your unique essence and beauty back to you so your nervous system can relax and receive sacred masculine attention.

  • RESET & REWIRING EXPERIENCES. Nourish and empower your innate ability to surrender, connect with, and allow healthy, loving masculine energy into your life. In receiving life-affirming frequencies, your avatar is invited to align with its natural state.

  • SHARED (NON-SEXUAL) CONTACT. In-person sessions include conscious, supportive, nurturing, grounding, intentional, honoring contact as a way to help transmute traumas, transform old wound stories, and alchemize imprints of separation (created by the Masculine in your past) into new frequencies of presence, connection, grace, and love.

  • ACTIVATION, NOURISHMENT, STEWARDSHIP, LOVE. All aspects of the session arises from the intention to see you in your highest in support of who you truly are.

  • “HOMEWORK”, CEREMONIES AND RITUALS. Intermittent activities to venture in as a compliment to the shared sessions each week.


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The Righting…

How this offering became embodied through ‘Re-Righting’ sessions relates to my dear friend and Akashic Records reader, Michelle (

A year or so ago Michelle ‘opened’ her records, and in that realm had the experience of being at an amphitheater with thousands of women in the audience. A version of me was standing on the stage and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Below is what she transcribed as that (my) facet of the Masculine began to speak.

Thus is the unfolding quest to help make ‘right’ the various wrongs (trespasses) that have come through the immature masculine, not only through your lifetime but also through the generations. The process serves both the Feminine and the Masculine through the inextricable harmony they share within all of us. I include below, too, as it serves to call forth my highest service in cultivating these frequencies of harmony within me, you, all of mankind.

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If you have any questions, you can email me at
And if you’d like to share a discover call, simply schedule it using the button below.
It really would be an honor to serve you.

Many thanks / many blessings.
– Roban

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