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A timely, somewhat random, opportunity…

I recently came upon the opportunity to help cannabis businesses
by enabling them to take credit cards like a regular store.

A far cry, indeed, from fine-art photography or creative salons.
And… I appreciate cannabis because of how it can expand consciousness.

The cannabis industry has also been controlled and restricted beyond belief.
Until recently it wasn’t possible to purchase said plant with credit cards.
Not without a bunch of different, undesirable hoops to jump through.

The simple solution, however, is the processor being the Merchant of Record.
Which is how Amazon, PayPal, and Venmo do it.
Where they have the contracts with the credit card companies.

So now there’s nothing out of compliance federally for the cannabis businesses.
So now they can (finally) accept any type of card like a Target store!


Let ‘em know!

So if you know any cannabis businesses, let ‘em know about this option.
Sales go up and customers are happier overall.
With no hoops to jump through.
Everybody wins.

To learn more, reach out by email or give me a call on my cell.
I can easily / quickly get (licensed, compliant) cannabis business on-board.
Approval is typically 24-48 hours with overnight shipping on the terminals.

In stewardship of a plant that expands consciousness!