A New Human Story by Robert Bengtson

I believe we’re in-between stories. About who we think we are. About what on Earth we’re doing. About what is happening and why. I believe we’re moving (individually and collectively) from an old story founded on separation, competition, and superiority… to a new story rooted in unity, interconnection, and (unconditional) love.

I’ve also come to see our stories as creative acts. We each have a choice in what we believe. Where our core beliefs, as creative acts, set the context for the thoughts, words, and actions we choose. Moment by moment, day by day, lifetime by lifetime.

Who do you think you are?

I recently completed a manuscript exploring our stories and beliefs from my perspective as an artist and creative thinker. The journey is an offering in the spirit of contemplation as a path for transformation and empowerment.

The plan is to find a publisher. So stay tuned (with fingers crossed!). As a sneak-peak, below is how it starts. At the bottom of the page is also a Human Story Survey that you’re invited (and encouraged) to participate in.

What’s your story?

A New Human Story by Robert Bengtson



”Most of us are keenly aware of the ever-expanding problems in the world. From the growing depression and fear in individual lives, to the worsening ecological and humanitarian crises happening all around the planet. Amidst it all, I’ve progressively been wondering why. Why is all this really happening? What’s really at the root cause below the surface and behind the scenes setting all the (choices, behaviors, and) realities in motion? 

While many seem to think these problems are a result of human nature, I’ve come to see them all, instead, as by-products of human culture. Specifically, that we’re actually in the midst of third crisis of sorts — one of beliefs — and that this is what’s actually giving rise to everything we see.

The human experience, individually and collectively, rises up and out of the fundamental beliefs we hold. It’s these ideas and perspectives residing at the very essence of who we think we (and everything) are that shape the choices we make in our day-to-day lives. That it's our belief-system, initially passed onto (imprinted into) us when we’re young, which we embody, develop, and 'make our own' that so significantly determines our experiences and creations. We’re talking about each human’s belief-based-operating-system here, which is used to perceive and participate in the ever-unfolding of our (mysterious and miraculous human) lives.

I call the collection of these core beliefs our Human Story.”

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