Portraits of a (single, unmoving) lightbulb…

Each image a single (long) exposure;
The movement of the camera, encapsulated;
A visual sojourn of movement and flow unique to the art of photography;


20” x 32” | 37.5” x 60” | various finishes

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[Backstory: This collection started as a mistake while in a Buddhist monastery I was staying in at Japan’s Mt. Koya, after spending the day amidst the country’s largest anxient cemetery and hall of 10,000+ lanterns… where the last dusk-shot-long-exposure-setting unexpectedly captured the bare light bulb reflected in a mirror in the stark-room i was struck to photograph… and in that room the first image in the collection was born, the rest to follow over a weekend nearly a year after returning when the time arrived to explore what happened that magical day, through which the rest of the collection emerged…]